Star Wars Episode 1.5: Jar Jar Gone Wild


Note: I know this copies the fan fiction Inside Out 2: The Real Squeal, but I wanted to make my own version of that troll-fic after seeing how terrible that fan fiction was.

It was a fine day on the planet of Naboo, and Jar Jar was
taking a stroll through Theed with his friends, Padme, Anakin, and Obi Wan
Kenobi. Anakin, however, was thinking some serious thoughts.
"Jar Jar, what if someone tries to take advantage of
your innocence?” he questioned.
"What do yousa mean?" asked Jar Jar.
"Even though you’re a great warrior, a Sith Lord might
try to take advantage of your strength and bravery someday and convince you to
join them.”
"No. That won’t happen to meesa. Meesa okeeday for now!"
dismissed Jar Jar.
What the friends didn’t know is that three Sith Lords were
following Jar Jar.
The first Sith Lord was a Gungan dressed in a pink leather
thong, the second Sith Lord was a Gungan wearing straightjacket, and the third
one was a Gungan wearing a royal robe and crown.
"Greetings, Bombad General!" said the first Sith
"Who being yousa?" asked Jar Jar, who was already
licking the three Sith Lords in confusion.
"Meesa called Darth Lust!"
"Meesa called Darth Pyschopath!”
"And meesa called Darth Superior!"
"We are the Sith Lords of maturity! We shall take
control of Jar Jar Binks and control his thoughts forever!” said Darth Lust!
"Shut up, Shit Lords!” screamed Anakin.
"Anakin! Watch your language!” said Padme.
"You can’t just hurt our friend like that!”  said Obi-Wan Kenobi, as he was about to use
his lightsaber to fight off the evil trio…however, he noticed that Jar Jar had
taken his lightsaber! Then, Jar Jar turned the lightsaber on and shoved it up his
"Oooooohhhh yeahhhh!!!!!!!! Meesa likin’ dis!"
moaned the Gungan as his asshole was being torn apart by the lightsaber.
Anakin, Padme, and Obi-Wan Kenobi were shocked! These Sith
Lords just made a horrible, depraved act happen to their friend. Anakin’s
greatest fear would also come true, because there was no way that Jar Jar would
be able to snap out of the mind control the Sith Lords put him under.
"Dat was so hot!" moaned Jar Jar after he came all
over Padme.
“See? Our plan is working perfectly!” Darth Psychopath said.
Next, Jar Jar walked to Lake Paonga and swam to Otoh Gunga
naked. Everyone else gasped in SHOCK! He then grabbed a gooberfish and shoved
it onto his penis, moaning in pleasure as its mouth sucked on his dick. “Dat
was fun!” Jar Jar said after he finished.
But then, Captain Tarpals appeared!
"Jar Jar, yousa cannot show yous private parts in
public! Isa bad reputation for our city!" he said stupidly and
"Stupid authority figures! Yousa have no control over
us!” Darth Superior said, as he mind- controlled Jar Jar to karate chop Captain
Tarpals to the legs, shattering the bones into a bloody explosion of sharp
shards that flew off everywhere and impaled several nearby Gungans, critically
injuring them! Before Captain Tarpals even had the chance to fall down or even
scream, Jar Jar jumped into the air and kicked him in the face, making his head
not only snap his neck, but also be utterly dislodged from his shoulders,
sending it flying through the air.
“You made Jar Jar a murderer! You should be ashamed of
yourselves!” Anakin yelled to the three Sith Lords.
"But dat’s just dha beginning of our plans…” moaned
Darth Lust sexually as as he pointed in Jar Jar’s direction.
Boss Nass and his representatives were walking to where Jar
Jar was standing. He got absolutely shocked at all the destruction and the fact
that Jar Jar Binks was naked!
"Jar Jar, what have yousa DONE?" said the Gungan
leader in despair, falling to his knees.
Then Jar Jar approached him and took off all his clothes!
"What do you think you're doing!?" asked Padme.
"Meesa gonna fuck ebbybody! Starting with da Bosses!” Jar Jar giggled happily.
"Now, Jar Jar will loose his virginity and have sex
with everyone on the planet of Naboo!” said Darth Pyschopath.
Jar Jar then kissed Boss Nass. Boss Nass was very eager to
be doing this, he did not care one bit for Jar Jar as a person, he only wanted sex
from him ever since Jar Jar became a productive member of society. Now, all
those years paid off and he was having sex with him, and Boss Nass’ Gungan
representatives were MASTURBATING furiously.
"Go for it, you Gungan fag!" said Rep Been,
cheering for Jar Jar Binks.
Anakin could not bear to look. Now, because he and his
friends were in the wrong place at the wrong time, Jar Jar was going to turn to
the Dark Side!
MY TEACHER, AND PADME!" Anakin yelled.
"Shut up, you whiny brat!" said Darth Superior,
using the Force to create a black hole that sucked Anakin and Obi-Wan up.
"NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" screamed Obi-Wan
Inside the black hole, there was a place that looked like an
abandoned version of Corusant. From the Jedi Temple came an evil
laugh, and a green, pointy eared creature wearing a black robe walked out of
there. It was.............YODA! He had become a Sith Lord, too!
"Join me in hell, you petty Jedi should!”  said Yoda.
And so our story ends with Obi Wan Kenobi and Anakin
Skywalker being taken to the darkest depths of hell and righteously suffering for ten thousand
years. Darth Lust, Darth Superior, and Darth Psychopath, however, didn’t suffer
and continued to torture Anakin and Obi Wan Kenobi as they truly deserved. As
for Jar Jar Binks, he became the Sith Lord known as Darth Rapist, and raped
innocent people and Jedi. Padme was saddened by Jar Jar’s choice to join the
Dark Side, and after she was raped by him, she resigned from her position as
the Queen of Naboo. Boss Nass became Darth Jar Jar’s apprentice, while the
Gungans became sex-crazed creatures due to Jar Jar mind controlling all the
Gungans in the galaxy, and they all had orgies happily ever after.